This web site and associated information is for the group of MMPORG players know collectively as VENOM.
We play the on-line game Eve Online.

This web site is hosted by Autumn's Internet service provider as a free service.
My ISP or myself make no guarantee this site will work all the time, however we will try.

This site is governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.

As a guest you:
* are welcome to look at the guest forum and the killboard.
* may NOT post comments, or attempt to hack or modify this site.

As a registered user:
* you may post on both the killboard and forum.
* you may NOT attempt to hack this site

We expect this web site to be visible from work places, and in the presence of minors.

This means:

No graphic adult material (including avatars)
discriminatory language or text
Adult theme's or distasteful activitys
If in doubt, please do not post or make comments

Although we all enjoy a joke, please keep it as a joke, rather than something that will cause offence. If you believe there is something offensive, please inform a moderator, SignalDog, Xalib Zondo or Autumn Equinox and we will remove the offending item if appropriate to do so.

I am sure there is a whole lot of legal mumbo jumbo, but the above gives you an idea of what / how we expect users to behave. If in doubt, do not do it.


Killboard Eve Development Network.
Forum Simple Machines Forum.